Overcoming the Signs of Aging with VI Peel

Individuals in El Segundo, California and other parts of the country have successfully overcome sun damage, acne and the signs of aging through VI Peel—a medical-grade chemical peels that is specially formulated to get results. This peel may be used to treat various areas of the body such as the face, hands, chest and other areas. It may be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, acne, unevenness, age spots and more. It may be used to treat various skin damage issues and may even aid in the removal of precancerous skin cells.

VI Peel is a chemical solution which is applied to the skin to remove surface layers that are damage. The healthy skin underneath is then revealed while collagen production is stimulated from within the tissue for a tighter, more toned appearance. Before seeking treatment with VI Peel, patients should discuss their candidacy for treatment. The procedure has been used on individuals of a variety of skin tones, including those who have not always responded well to chemical peels. The procedure was originally intended to treat acne and acne scarring, and may be effective in treating those as young as 12-years-old, but patients should consult a specialist in El Segundo first.

There is no pretreatment necessary before undergoing VI Peel, which helps to make this a convenient option compared to many other types of chemical peel procedures. The area being treated is first cleansed and the peel is then spread over it. This process takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete and patients typically remain comfortable throughout. A minor stinging sensation is normal during treatment. Patients are able to resume normal activities right away, but the peel must stay on the skin for about five hours after the appointment.

The skin may appear reddish or tan for a little bit, but makeup may be used to conceal this. Cosmetic may be worn before treatment and after, but during the actual peeling process should be avoided. About three days after the treatment, the damaged surface layers may begin to peel away. This should continue for about a week. During this time, cosmetic should be avoided. Moisturizers, however, are encouraged to help minimize the appearance of the peeling. Patients may also notice that the skin is more sensitive during the peeling process. This should fade as the peeling process wraps up.

Patients may begin to notice results a few days after treatment. They may choose to schedule a series of appointments every two weeks for intense improvement of the skin, but most are satisfied with results after just one session of treatment. Maintenance peels a few times a year may be encouraged to maintain the results and desired effect of the treatment.

Insurance does not cover the cost of VI Peel, as it is considered a cosmetic treatment. The cost of treatment may depend on various factors, but may run somewhere in the $400 to $500 range per session.

Learn more about VI Peel in El Segundo, California.

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