Blue Peel


Blue Peel

Blue peels are known as a type of medium chemical peel. Chemicals (TCA) used are those stronger than those used for micro peels. Due to this, they may be more effective in improving skin texture, vitality, and freshness. They also impose a recovery period that may require a few days off from work and other social activities.

Blue peel can revitalize skin, brightening one's complexion while eliminating fine wrinkles, brown spots and other discolorations.

A blue peel can not affect dynamic wrinkles that have occurred over time, such as crow's feet, scowl lines, and forehead creases.


Peeling agents may potentially cause a burn with scarring, it is suggested that a physician supervise while your peel is being administered. Some peels have built-in safety valves to prevent the technician from allowing the chemical agent to over penetrate. One safety valve involves blue dye, which is applied along with TCA. The blue color helps the person applying your peel know how deep the chemical has penetrated and is therefore helpful in determining when to stop.

Recovery from Blue Peels

Blue peels will turn skin blue for a few days. Flaking and peeling begin 4-5 days after your peel and finish within 7-9 days. You may engage in your normal activities immediately following your peel, but, if you have an important event planned, you will not want to have a peel within 2-3 weeks of that event.

Maximal Results

For optimal results, peels should be repeated as early as six months. Thereafter, additional mini or micropeels will help maintain the result. As with all peels, adherence to a physician-supervised skin care program will optimize your results and make them more lasting.


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