What is LATISSE® ?

LATISSE® is the first prescription treatment approved by the FDA for the treatment of small or thin eyelash growth. When applied regularly on a daily basis, the LATISSE® product can result in the growth of significantly longer, fuller, darker upper eyelid lashes. The product was discovered by researchers who were working on another eye care product, and quickly marketed for lash growth. The mechanism of the product’s active ingredient, called bimatoprost, is not known precisely, but researchers believe the results are due to an increase of the percentage of lash development during the lash growth phase. About 80% of LATISSE® users report seeing a significant increase in the growth and fullness of lashes.

Who is a candidate for LATISSE® ?

Any individual who wants to experience fuller, thicker, darker upper lashes is a potential candidate for the LATISSE® program. In research, even those with sensitive eyes were able to use the product successfully. However, there are some contraindications for its use. Any individual on antibiotics, heart emdication, or other drugs, as well as those with neurological and certain other diseases, and those with severe allergies should discuss these conditions prior to beginning the program. In addition, pregnant women as well as those with skin infections or other conditions on the upper eyelids are not good candidates.

Is the lash growth permanent?

The lashes which grow as a result of the LATISSE® program will last for the natural duration of the eyelash growth cycle, which is usually 1 to 2 months.

How does LATISSE® work? 

LATISSE® is a prescription product which you apply yourself at home. Prior to applying the product, you should wash your face and remove any makeup or creams. Contacts should also be removed. Prepare the special applicator by placing a drop of solution on the applicator and apply it to the base of the upper eyelid where the lash base meets the skin of the eyelid. Any excess solution should be blotted off with a dry tissue. Use a fresh applicator for each lid – never reuse an applicator. Some individuals have reported temporary itching or slight redness after application, but these conditions usually resolve once the body becomes accustomed to the product. LATISSE® is meant to be applied to the lid, not to the eye itself; however, if a small amount of the solution enters the eye, it will not harm the eye.

When will I begin to see results from LATISSE® ?

The results of the LATISSE® program are gradual, with initial results appearing at 4 to 8 weeks of continual use, and full affects becoming evident at 16 weeks after the initial application.

How many LATISSE® treatments are needed?

The effects of LATISSE® remain only as long as the product is used. It must be applied every day in the initial 16 weeks of treatment in order to see the complete and optimal lash growth effects; however, many patients begin a maintenance phase after those initial 4 months, applying the product every 2 to 3 days to maintain the effect. Individuals should understand, though, that current recommended dosing instructions advise daily use of LATISSE® even after the initial 16-week period. The product is meant to be used continuously, and once treatment stops, you can expect your lashes to return to their pre-treatment appearance at 4 to 6 weeks after ending treatment.

What are advantages of LATISSE® over other options?

LATISSE® is currently the only FDA approved prescription product for the growth and development of thicker, fuller, darker lashes; therefore, current alternatives include the use of false eyelashes or thick mascara. LATISSE® offers fuller, thicker, darker lashes without makeup or prosthetics, and actually causes additional lashes to grow.

Is LATISSE® approved for use in the USA?

Yes, LATISSE® is approved by the FDA for lash growth application in the United States.

What is the cost of LATISSE® ?

The cost of LATISSE® ranges from $110 to $150 for one bottle, which contains a 45-day supply of the product. LATISSE® is a cosmetic product, and is not covered by insurance companies. The LATISSE® product can be purchased through many treating physicians’ offices.

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Disclaimer: This information is intended only as an introduction to this procedure. This information should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor does it guarantee results of your elective surgery. Further details regarding surgical standards and procedures should be discussed with your physician.

By Staff
Updated: May 10th, 2010

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