How much weight can I expect to lose with Body Jet Liposuction?

Also, can I expect the weight loss from Body Jet Liposuction to be permanent?

Answers from doctors (1)

Estea Laser & Cosmetic Center

Published on May 05, 2016

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, rather sculpting and improvement of shape and contour. The loss of weight depends on how many areas are addressed. The benefit of Body Jet is it's gentle removal of fat without damaging the vessels and nerves. Also, the fat is creamy and viable, which makes it the most suitable for transfer to other areas such as buttock and breast.

The liposuction will be permanent, but only if good healthy habits are maintained.

Answered by Estea Laser & Cosmetic Center

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, rather sculpting and improvement of shape and contour. The loss of weight depends on how many areas are addressed. The benefit of Body Jet is it's gentle removal of fat without damaging the vessels and nerves. Also, the fat is creamy and viable, which makes it the most suitable for transfer to other areas such as buttock and breast.

The liposuction will be permanent, but only if good healthy habits are maintained.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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