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Belotero Balance Questions

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There is a lot of bruising around my mouth after having belotero and botox injections, how long before the bruising goes away?
Belotero Balance -2 answers
I had belotero and botox for smokers lines yesterday. Since the treatments, I've noticed a lot of bruising around my mouth. It looks like I was in a car accident. How long till the bruising goes away? The swell... Read more
3 weeks after having Belotero injections the hollows under my eyes appear deeper and more noticeable. Should the doc fix it for free?
Belotero Balance -2 answers
The doctor who injected me was supposed to be highly qualified and charged additional cost for his expertise in injecting. He now says I need more product. At this point I am over $1000 in and am not in the pos... Read more
My smile has changed since having Belotero injections, what should I do?
Belotero Balance -1 answer
My dermatologist injected Belotero around my mouth, but now my smile has changed and I have new wrinkles radiating from around my mouth like whiskers. Was this too much product in the corners of the mouth or in... Read more

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