Is hardening and swelling of the skin after Slim Lipo a typical side effect?

Two months ago I had my inner thighs and knees treated with Slim Lipo. I now have a hard, rock-like spot on my thigh that is about 2 inches long. I also have swelling in the lower part of my leg and foot. Is this normal? Will the knot resolve itself?

Answers from doctors (1)

More About Doctor So Cal Body Sculpt

Published on Mar 16, 2015

The much of the swelling and hardening should resolve in 2 months. In your case, there could be an issue about lymphatic drainage, or there could be fat necrosis in that area. Distal swelling is usually from disturbed lymphatic drainage. Elevation of the legs and compression stockings do help. You should follow up with your surgeon to figure out what's exactly going on.

Answered by So Cal Body Sculpt (View Profile)

The much of the swelling and hardening should resolve in 2 months. In your case, there could be an issue about lymphatic drainage, or there could be fat necrosis in that area. Distal swelling is usually from disturbed lymphatic drainage. Elevation of the legs and compression stockings do help. You should follow up with your surgeon to figure out what's exactly going on.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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