Cost and Financing of a Chemical Peel

The cost of a chemical peel depends on the type of peel you have done among other factors. Here are some things to consider when thinking about how to finance the procedure.

Types of Peels

There are three basic types of chemical peels. Light peels cost anywhere from $150 to $300. These peels help smooth wrinkles and fine lines by removing the outer layers of the skin. Light peels are the most affordable type of chemical peel, but they typically need to be repeated. Medium peels can be applied to face, neck and body. These peels can cost as little as $1000 and as much as $2000. Medium peels can help improve skin tone and usually work well for those with darker skin. Deep chemical peels are the most intense peels and they also carry the heftiest price tag. These peels cost between $2500 to $6000 and have long lasting results.

Insurance Coverage

Typically speaking, insurance companies do not cover cosmetic procedures. Chemical peels are usually considered aesthetic procedures and are not covered by most providers. However, if a chemical peel is necessary to remove or pre-cancerous growths, then it may be covered by your health plan. Speak with your insurance provider to find out their specific policy on chemical peels.

Other Financing Options

If your insurance doesn't cover the procedure, there are still other financial options to help you cover the cost of a chemical peel. Most doctors will allow patients to make monthly payments. There are also certain banks that will offer loans to patients to cover cosmetic procedures.

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