Laser Hair Removal Myths and Facts

Laser Hair Removal is a revolutionary technique that can remove hair and may have more durable effects than all hair removal procedures available to date. As with all cosmetic procedures, there are a few myths related to Laser Hair Removal.

Myth: Laser Hair Removal Damages Skin

Fact: The Laser Hair Removal is a treatment that will affect only the hair follicles and will leave the skin intact. The skin may be swollen or red after the Laser Hair Removal treatments, but these side effects will not persist. The Laser Hair Removal does not cause scars, as the lasers won’t cause wounds on the skin.

Myth: Laser Hair Removal Is Permanent

Fact: The Laser Hair Removal is a durable treatment, but it is not permanent, as hair will still grow. The laser beams are applied on the hair follicles and the follicles will be destroyed, so hair will no longer grow in the treated areas. However, new hair follicles can appear, so the effects of the Laser Hair Removal may be anywhere between 2 and 10 years. However, compared to any other hair removal procedure that has results that last up to 4 weeks, the Laser Hair Removal is a more durable treatment.

Myth: Laser Hair Removal Is Suitable for All Hair Colors

Fact: The Laser Hair Removal targets the dark pigment in the skin also known as melanin, which is also present in dark hairs. If the hair is blonde or has a lighter color, the Laser Hair Removal will not be effective. Consequently, you will have to talk to the dermatologist or the plastic surgeon performing the Laser Hair Removal to detect if there is melanin and whether the procedure is recommended.

Myth: Laser Hair Removal Is Performed in 1 Session

Fact: For optimal results, a number of sessions spread over 2 to 3 months will be needed. After new hair follicles occur (anytime during the years following the Laser Hair Removal treatment), you may opt for a new session of Laser Hair Removal.

Myth: Laser Hair Removal Damages Internal Organs

Fact: The Laser Hair Removal procedure only penetrates 1 to 4 mm in the skin and will not be able to cause damage to the internal organs or blood vessels.

Myth: Laser Hair Removal Is Expensive

Fact: The Laser Hair Removal is not an expensive procedure, considering the fact that the results may last for over 5 years. During a period of 5 years, you need a number of hair removal products that are also costly. Adding these up will give you a higher sum than the cost of the Laser Hair Removal procedure.

Myth: Laser Hair Removal Causes Ingrown Hairs

Fact: The Laser Hair Removal does not cause ingrown hairs, as the lasers destroy the hair bulb and the hair will no longer grow back. However, the Laser Hair Removal can be effective in reducing the ingrown hair.

Myth: Laser Hair Removal Increases the Number of Newly Grown Hairs

Fact: After the Laser Hair Removal new hair follicles may form, but the amount of hair will be less compared to the time before the hair removal treatment.

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