How is BOTOX? Performed?

The BOTOX® procedure is a relatively simple procedure that uses a fine needle to inject tiny amounts of the solution into specific muscles of the face, most often forehead wrinkles and nasolabial folds, the lines that run from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth. This solution temporarily immobilizes these targeted muscles, preventing them from causing wrinkles on the skin’s surface.

Prior to your treatment with BOTOX® the area or areas to be injected will be thoroughly cleaned, and your specialist will determine the placement of each injection, based on the size and depth of the facial crease or fold being treated. To effectively treat the entire muscle, several injections along the facial line are usually required. Your specialist will be able to determine the ideal placement of each injection to achieve maximum effect. Procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, usually in the clinician’s office or another outpatient facility. The entire procedure takes only a few minutes and discomfort is minimal, requiring no anesthesia or sedation. Although some patients choose to have a single area treated at each setting, many men and women choose to have multiple areas treated during the same appointment.

BOTOX® achieves its remarkable rejuvenating effects by temporarily immobilizing the muscles that lie beneath facial folds and wrinkles. These facial lines and folds form when nerves that attach to the facial muscles signal a specific muscle or set of muscles to contract during facial expression, for instance frowning or smiling. Once injected, the BOTOX® solution actually acts to block the nerve signals that “tell” a muscle to contract. Since these signals are no longer able to reach the muscles, contraction does not occur and the facial lines, folds and wrinkles cannot form.

Once the procedure is completed, it may be a few days before you will see the full effect of your treatment as BOTOX® works to completely block the nerve signals responsible for muscle contraction.

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