Candidacy for Fraxel

Fraxel skin rejuventation is a non-invasive laser cosmetic treatment used to improve the skin's tone, texture and elasticity. The fraxel laser is unique because it only addresses a fraction of the skin's surface. The laser works by creating tiny wounds in the skin. These wounds are surrounded by the untouched areas of the skin and this helps the wounds to heal. Fraxel techonology helps treat a variety of different skin conditions. Here are some things to consider when determining if fraxel laser technology is right for you.

Stimulates Collagen Production

The fraxel laser helps stimulate the skin's collagen production. By boosting the skin's collagen production, fraxel laser technology helps treat wrinkles and fine lines. It can also help you get rid of unsightly age spots and acne scars. The fraxel laser is also effective in shrinking large pores.


Fraxel is the only technology recommend for the treatment of melasma, also known as the mask of pregnancy, a skin condition in which dark blotches appear on the face and neck. If you are suffering from melasma, fraxel may be appropriate for you.

Medical Conditions that Contraindicate Treatment

If you have epilepsy, sensitivities to light or poor wound healing capabilities, fraxel resurfacing is not for you.

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