Botox Alleviating Diabetes Foot Pain

Botox_Helping_Foot_Pain_Derma_Blog_May09.jpg For many diabetes patients, chronic foot pain is a constant reminder of their debilitating disease. However, doctors in Taiwan are showing that Botox injections to the top of the foot may dramatically ease the pain. For years now dermatologists and researchers have been examining the different uses of Botox besides of course cosmetic purposes. Reuters article reported, "Moreover, 44 percent of the subjects had a reduction of at least 3 points in their pain score within 12 weeks after the Botox injections. An added benefit was that patients are able to sleep much better after the treatment. Hu's team concludes that intradermal Botox injections "are an effective and safe method of relieving diabetic neuropathic pain in the feet." However, "the detailed underlying mechanisms, optimal dosage, and precise course of therapy require further evaluation." Many studies show that Botox injections have perks like decreasing the pain in migraines, sweating problems and now foot-pain relief. Hopefully as more time and research shows there will be many more benefits and uses for Botox.
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