Chin Surgery Facts

Many individuals including both men and women are increasingly seeking chin surgery. Next to the eyes and nose, the chin is now increasingly being recognized as an important part of the face. A well contoured chin provides an attractive and sharp look to the face.

Many individuals believe that their chins are either too long, too broad, double chinned or hollowed and believe that chin surgery may provide a well rounded and an even contoured face. It may even boost their self confidence.

Today, chin surgery has been technically refined and the cosmetic results obtained are both pleasing and attractive.

Chin surgery can greatly improve your face profile by making a weak chin more prominent. This can have a surprisingly positive impact on the appearance of your nose and cheeks.

The biggest question for all individuals is whether Chin surgery is for you?

Like all elective cosmetic surgery, one should be realistic in his/her expectation.

Even though chin surgery is not too complex one should have a slight understanding of what the procedure may involve.

For those with a receding chin, the chin may be moved forward or may have to be reduced if the chin is too obvious. Others may require an implant if the chin is hollowed.

Removal of chin fat via liposuction is also becoming a favorite procedure among men. The fat is removed from just below the chin and along the neck

A decent chin job can provide the individual with a pleasing face with a confident look.

Most surgeons now have computer animations of what the surgery looks like and may provide you with a pictorial idea of what your surgery will look like and how your chin will eventually turn out.

Making the Decision for Chin Surgery

Even though chin surgery is not very complex technically, it is very important that you select your surgeon well. This is the single most important factor when it comes to a great cosmetic result. One should go over the entire face with the surgeon because in many cases, complimentary surgery of the nose, lips or cheeks may be required to have the best cosmetic result.

Chin surgery can be done under either local sedation or general anesthesia. The procedure is typically done as an outpatient at a physician's clinic.

After the procedure, mild to moderate pain may be present for 4-7 days. Mild bruising usually dissipates in 2-3 days.

Swelling is common after chin surgery and this can be reduced by sleeping with the head elevated and applying cool compresses for the first 24-48 hours.

After chin surgery, you may require a few days off work and most individuals are able to return back to work within 2-4 days. Heavy exercise should not be performed for the first 2 weeks.

The final cosmetic result after chin surgery is apparent after a month.

It is the surgeon's experience, technical judgment and skill that will influence your result.

Once you have decided on your surgeon, get to understand the procedure, the possible risks and complication. And always remember to get the final costs in writing.

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