New York City Liposculpture

Liposculpture is an amazing new way that you can have unwanted body fat removed with minimal pain with the use of a technique called SmartLipo. There are no bulky tubes or uncomfortable office visits that were once necessary for liposuction, because SmartLipo has smaller instruments and a unique technology that zaps fat cells for contouring and reshaping areas of the that include the abdomen, love handles, backs, thighs, hips, knees, arms, neck and chin. If you are considering liposculpture, there are several cosmetic surgeons in New York area who can assist you with the procedure of your choice.

Facial Sculpturing

With facial sculpturing, your surgeon makes tiny incisions in your skin where a metal fat extractor is passed just underneath the skin to remove the fat in the chin, neck, and/or jowl areas. Pressure is applied to the site once the fat is removed and usually there is no visible scarring. Because of the advanced healing power of the laser, you will be able to appear in public within one week of your liposculpture with no visible signs of surgery.

Your recovery period is less than one week depending on the extent of your surgery and you will experience relatively little pain. You will notice only minimal bruising; mild pain which can normally be treated with an over-the-counter pain medication, but your surgeon will provide you with a prescription pain reliever if necessary. You should notice immediate results.

Laser Skin Tightening

Your laser skin tightening procedure will take place in your surgeon's office. When you arrive, you'll be given a topical numbing cream that you'll apply to the treatment area for 45-60 minutes before your treatment. You will be given protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the laser light. Your cosmetic surgeon will apply brief laser pulses to the surface of the skin with a small hand piece. Each laser pulse will be preceded and followed by a burst of cooling spray that provides a localized numbing effect. A series of three passes will be performed over each treatment area. Most laser skin tightening treatments last 45 minutes or less.

Laser-light is applied to the surface of the skin and passes harmlessly into its deeper layers. As the laser light reaches the dermis, a controlled amount of therapeutic heat is delivered to the collagen which results in growth stimulation and tightening.

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