New York City Neck Lift

There is no ideal age for neck-lift surgery. Candidates may range from teenagers to octogenarians. People who suffer from certain diseases may be excluded from treatment. Talk to a plastic surgeon in the New York City area about your goals and expectations, and to determine if you would be a good candidate. Your doctor will also review your medical history and the risks associated with the procedures to create a treatment plan that works best for you.

Typically, a neck-lift will include liposuction to remove fat. Cervicoplasty may be included to remove excess skin, and platysmaplasty to remove or tighten neck muscles: a process that gets rid of unwanted band lines. A neck-lift can also be done in conjunction with a forehead lift, facelift, or eyelid surgery. For a less-invasive alternative, you may want to investigate the micro neck-lift.


A facelift removes excess fat and skin from the facial area, including the neck. This procedure can tighten a jaw line that grows slack and jowly and those with folds and fat deposits around the neck. This is more beneficial to those wanting to improve upon signs of aging in their face as well as the neck. A facelift also helps those who have no excess fat in this region, but possess a significant amount of excess skin.

Chin Implant

If you have a weak chin that makes your neck look overly fleshy, then a chin implant can help you. Chin implants can also help people with retrognathia, a condition where the jaw is receding.


There will be some discomfort after undergoing neck lift surgery, which can be lessened with prescribed pain medication. Some degree of swelling and possibly bruising can be expected, but this is only temporary. It is recommended that you stay home for at least a week after surgery and take it easy for the first three weeks following surgery. During the recovery period, your doctor may have you wear a compression garment for several days. This garment helps improve blood circulation, minimize swelling, and flush out potentially harmful fluids. The compression garment can allow you to heal from your surgery much quicker and minimize the amount of downtime while providing comfort and support to your neck.

Even though swelling takes a few weeks to subside, you should be able to start seeing the results of their neck lift within a week following surgery. Patients will notice more definition in their neck and under the jaw line.

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