Learning About Dermatological Gel Fillers

Some people view the aging process as just a natural part of the progression of life, and really do not pay much attention to the lines and wrinkles that come as a result. Then, of course, there are people who definitely are not comfortable with the idea of getting old, and these are the people who look to various medical procedures in order to keep them looking as young as possible.

One of the procedures that have bee created in order to fill in lines and wrinkles is in the form of Restylane injections. In order to have a better understanding of what these injections are, it is important to know how fine lines and wrinkles occur. What basically happens is that the amount of natural moisture that the body manufactures, called Hyaluronic acid, starts depleting with age or with excessive sun damage. Restylane injections consist of a gel to replace this depletion and give the skin a younger appearance at the same time.

Something that prospective patients have had questions about is how safe Restylane injections are. These injections, which were first developed in Sweden, have been extensively tested for over a decade, and have been found to be quite safe. Something else that might assuage the fears of those who are concerned with safety is that these injections, while meant to be long lasting, are over time broken down by the body, which is evidence enough that the gel is biocompatible.

In order to be properly informed about the process behind Restylane injections, the first step is, of course, finding an excellent cosmetic dermatologist in order to perform the procedure. There are many different ways that a person can go about finding the right cosmetic dermatologist, and one of those ways is to search the Internet, since many doctors have websites now. It is important to make sure that the dermatologist is fully certified, has many verifiable testimonials, and has an extensive portfolio of patients' before and after photos.

The patient can decide during the initial consultation whether or not the dermatologist is someone they feel comfortable with. The right dermatologist will have a personable, yet informative manner, and be able to easily answer any questions that the person might have. Also, during the initial procedure the doctor will take photographs of the patient's face in order to map out where the best places for the injections would be.

The procedure itself is an outpatient one, and since the injections are administered through a very fine needle, then there should be no marks or scars left after the procedure. The procedure itself takes around a half hour to complete. Afterwards, the patient might experience some swelling and bruising, but this usually goes away within a couple of days. The amount of time that the injections will last depends on the area of the face that they were administered at. If the person is pleased with the results of the injections, then can choose to have the injections done every few months to maintain results.

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