Pregnancy and Vitalize Peel

Vitalize Peel is a facial treatment that combines alpha-hydroxy and beta-hydroxy acids with resorcinol and retinoic acid. Although it is generally safe for all skin tones, you should not use it during pregnancy. Vitalize peel contains salicylic acid.

Pregnancy and Vitalize Peel

Salicylic acid is form of beta-hydroxy acid. This is the common ingredient found in aspirin. The effect of salicylic acid applied topically to the skin of pregnant women is not known. Vitalize Peel penetrates the upper layers of the skin. There is concern that this could increase the risk of absorbing salicylic acid into the bloodstream.

Studies indicate the risk of birth defects increased with women who took salicylic acid in oral form during pregnancy. Salicylic acid could also thin the blood and create blood clotting conditions during pregnancy. This could lead to miscarriage or other complications.

In some situations, children are at greater risk of developing a condition known as Reye's syndrome if given salicylic acid. Therefore, if you plan to breastfeed or are currently breastfeeding, you should not use Vitalize Peel.

Vitalize Peel is generally safe for women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant. Your doctor may recommend safer alternative treatments.

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