Recovery after Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal treatment takes an average total of four to seven sessions spaced a month apart each before you achieve ideal results. After each session, you may experience some discomfort. Knowing what to expect can help you heal quickly after your treatment sessions.

Irritation after Each Session

Although your laser hair removal treatment sessions should not be overly painful, you may experience mild pain or soreness for a day or two after the session. The treated skin may also be red and irritated for a few days and your skin may become dried out. Your skin may also form scabs over the pores.

Easing Irritation after Treatment

Do not pick at or itch the skin the first few days after your laser hair removal treatment. The scabs are normal and will fall off naturally over time; if you pick them off, you may be left with scarring. You may take over-the-counter pain relievers if you're experiencing pain. If your cosmetic specialist gives the okay, you may be able to put a light layer of antibiotic ointment over the treated skin a few times per day until your skin becomes less irritated.

Recovery Restrictions

You should not have to refrain from most activities after your treatments and can return to work immediately. Refrain from excessive physical activity, especially that with contact, such as football, until you skin is no longer irritated. Take care to shield the skin from the sun (preferably with clothing, although sunscreen will work as well) for the first week in order to prevent sun damage while the skin is weak. Taking caution when exposing skin to the sun thereafter is a healthy attitude to adopt as well.

If you experience a change in skin pigmentation in the laser hair removal-treated area for more than a few days, especially if you're dark skinned, see your cosmetic specialist. You may not be an ideal candidate for subsequent treatments.

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