Advantages and Disadvantages of Fraxel Restore

Fraxel Restore provides slightly different options than other Fraxel treatments. This facial restoration procedure uses high powered lasers to actually break down skin, letting it grow back in a completely natural and healthy process.

Advantages of Fraxel Restore

The Fraxel Restore procedure helps viable candidates remove fine facial lines and wrinkles. Not only does this restoration treatment leave patients with younger looking complexions, it has the potential to permanently fix uneven pigmentation as well.

Patients must take part in minimal post procedure protective action, which includes wearing sun screens to prevent reoccurring damage, along with properly cleaning and moisturizing the face too. Little discomfort bothers patients during the actual treatment process.

Post surgery wait time often takes less than 10 to 15 minutes, leaving patients free to carry on with other plans after the procedure ends. Even in the most intensive treatments, the procedure generally acts like a quick outpatient process. However, some down time gets required in cases where patients take part in vigorous work schedules.

The Fraxel Restore procedure continues to grow in popularity as nearly 600,000 patients have received some sort of Fraxel facial restoration treatment. Doctors offer the solution in numerous countries throughout developed nations around the world.

Disadvantages of Fraxel Restore

Some cases require patients to remain at home or out of normal work routines for about 2 days, which could cause conflict for some.

Viable candidates fall into the age group of around 30 to 50. Younger patients looking for facial restoration must seek other forms of treatment in most cases, as doctor’s have particular treatment guidelines.

Seeking multiple Fraxel Restore treatments often result in higher prices. Treating larger areas also increases price.

Patients often feel minor directly following the procedure. Prolonged side effects may include minor color imbalances and surface texture imperfections.

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