How to Prepare for a Fraxel Repair Laser Treatment

The Fraxel Repair treatment is a popular choice for women and men that want to rejuvenate their skin through textural improvement or the removal of age spots or acne scars. If you are planning to get this treatment, you should prepare ahead to ensure that the results of the procedure are optimal.

Medications to Avoid or Take Prior to Fraxel

Fraxel repair cannot be performed on patients that get retinoids (administered orally or as a topical ointment) or drugs that contain glycolic acid. If you use any of these, you should stop taking them at least 2 weeks before the procedure. Make sure that discontinuing these drugs is safe and that your underlying condition is not affected.

Your plastic surgeon may prescribe antibiotics, that you should start taking 24 hours prior to the procedure to avoid infections. You may feel some discomfort after the procedure, so get some pain medication or ask your plastic surgeon for a prescription.

Cleansing of Skin

Tanned skin cannot be treated with fraxel repair, as the results may not be as expected. Wear sunblock and avoid any artificial tanning procedure 1 month before the fraxel treatment.

You should also cleanse your skin, especially the areas that will be treated. Buy a generic cleansing milk and apply it starting 1 week before the treatment.

Make Arrangements

The healing time depends on each individual in part, but the swelling should subside within a week. You may have crusty skin for 1 week and the redness may last up to 1 month, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment, so you might consider taking a few days off work.

Buy a moisturizer that will be essential after the procedure and get a high protection factor sunblock.

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