Dermabrasion: Relief from Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Other Blemishes

Dermabrasion has helped many patients in the Mill Creek, Washington community overcome various cosmetic blemishes and skin conditions from wrinkles to acne scars to pigmentation problems. The procedure utilizes a rotary tool with an abrasive brush or wheel to safely and carefully remove the top layer of skin, exposing new skin underneath. Sandpaper, small wires or diamond particles may also be used as the abrasive instrument used to remove the top layer of skin.

The procedure is usually performed in an outpatient facility, doctor's office, medical spa or other clinic. General anesthesia is sometimes used, although a local anesthetic and a sedative are more common. Skin is prepared and cleaned using an antiseptic and the skin is frozen using a Freon spray. The motorized rotary tool is then applied to the skin, removing the top layer. The result is a smoother complexion and a more even skin tone and color.

Those who are interested in dermabrasion as a means of relieving cosmetic blemishes such as fine lines and wrinkles are encouraged to discuss this procedure with an experienced skincare professional in the Mill Creek community. Candidates for dermabrasion are in good overall health and do not currently have acne. Patients should not have had a recent sunburn, chemical peel or radiation treatment, either. Lighter skinned patients typically have greater success with dermabrasion than darker skinned individuals.

Patients who have taken Accutane in the last 18 months, have cold sores or herpes, are not in good overall health and who have skin sensitivities should speak to their doctor about this procedure, as they may not be considered candidates for dermabrasion.

After dermabrasion, patients' skin may feel abraded. A scab usually forms over the treatment area and swelling may be present for a few days following dermabrasion. Once the swelling subsides and the scab begins to come off, patients may be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection and to relieve any pain. A pink complexion may be present after the scab comes off. Over the next several weeks (4 to 6 weeks in many case), the skin will begin to regain its natural color.

Sun exposure should be avoided during the recovery period. Patients who work outdoors may be encouraged to extend their recovery period. Sunscreen may be worn to protect the skin once it has healed. Most patients may return to work within a few days, although many choose to extend the recovery period due to the appearance of the skin. Makeup may be worn once the skin has healed after about 7 to 10 days.

Strenuous activities and shaving (this may irritate the skin) should be avoided for the first two weeks following dermabrasion. Talk to a skincare professional for more information about recovery following dermabrasion. It is advisable that patients follow their doctor's recovery and downtime instructions to avoid complications and to ensure proper healing.

Results typically begin to appear after 4 to 6 weeks. A single treatment is usually all that is necessary to relieve mild to moderate fine lines and wrinkles, while multiple treatments may be required for those with deep scarring. Some patients require several progressive treatments to achieve and maintain results.

Dermabrasion typically results in fewer cases of lost pigmentation than chemical peels. The skin tends to heal faster than after laser peels as well. Talk to a skincare professional in the Mill Creek area for more information about dermabrasion and to determine if the procedure is right for you. A trained and experienced skincare professional is often the best resource for further information and advice regarding this treatment.

Learn more about Dermabrasion in Mill Creek, Washington.

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