Acne Treatment and Medium Skin Tones

Most acne treatments provide universally equal results to patients, regardless of skin tone. Those with medium skin tones notice similar results when compared to other patients in terms of both side effects and positive effects. Results from acne treatments vary based on the severity of acne possessed by each patient.

Medium Tones and Acne Treatment

Acne treatments, such as chemical peels, work to break down outer levels of acne covered skin. Patients then grow new, fresh layers of skin tissue in place of the once damaged regions. A medium skin tone plays absolutely no role in the effectiveness of this treatment. In fact, the only factors that affect the results provided by any acne treatment lie within the patient’s willingness to maintain skin health after a procedure, and the patient’s acne condition going into a treatment.

More intensive acne treatments, such as dermabrasion or laser based therapy, further disregard skin tone as a possible factor that will either hinder or enhance treatment results. These types of treatments provide quick results and utilize advanced medical devices that work to provide safe and efficient patient care. Treatments like laser energy therapy specifically target damaged areas on or off of the patient’s face and cause little to no harm to the patient's outer layers of skin.

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