Potential Side Effects of TriActive

TriActive is an FDA-approved cold laser technology that treats excessive cellulite present in the body. Some of the potential side effects involved with TriActive are discussed below.

Cellulite is something that can’t be removed from body through exercising and weight reduction. Fat, on the other hand, can be removed by these methods as well as dieting. Cellulite can be present in any type of body structure and is mostly seen in women of a higher age. It results in dimpled skin at certain body areas. TriActive uses the combination of three different techniques--laser, massage and cooling--to treat this cellulite problem. The risks involved are very low, but there are still some potential side effects:


TriActive may result in temporary swelling after the treatment. If proper precautions are followed, it will fade away soon or may not occur at all. In rare cases, it may become worse and last for a few weeks.


Edema is defined as the swelling caused by the gathering of fluids in tiny spaces surrounding body tissues and organs. It may result anywhere in the body after the treatment. In this condition, along with the swelling, the swollen area of the skin may also become stretched and shiny. Dimples may appear on touching the affected area. Patients should consult their physician immediately if this occurs.


Embolism can be caused when the loosened fat enters the blood system in the broken blood vessels. This can result in permanent disability, and sometimes may even pose a fatal threat.

Unknown Long Term Effects of Laser

As of now, cold lasers are considered to be harmless for human skin. However, since the long term results are yet to be shown, nothing can be said with certainty.

Return of Cellulite

TriActive demands a series of sessions for the complete treatment. Sometimes patients may have to go for repeated treatments after a few months to avoid the return of cellulite. Several federal agencies have quoted TriActive as a modest but temporary solution of removing cellulite. As such, there is no guarantee that the body will be permanently free from cellulite after the treatment, especially if the post-treatment diet is not maintained.

Every cosmetic surgery capable of bringing dramatic effects to the body may have some potential side effects. Talk at length with your physician regarding this treatment before you spend your money. 

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