Recovery after Acoustic Wave Therapy

Acoustic Wave Therapy, also known as AWT, is a non-invasive cellulite reduction treatment that uses waves. This procedure will not reduce the volume of the treated areas dramatically, but will reduce the appearance of cellulite by breaking off the connective tissue of the fat and making the skin softer. This procedure is popular, because cellulite is very frequent in women, the procedure is effective and doesn't require any recovery time.

Recovery after Acoustic Wave Therapy

Acoustic Wave Therapy will not cause any irritation, and redness or swelling will not be present. You may return to your daily activities after an AWT treatment, as it is an outpatient procedure. The treatment employs waves that press on the skin and the fat layers, break off the collagen that is present in the fibrous septae (the connective tissue in the fat) and will reduce the orange peel aspect.

You will only feel these waves as a gentle massage. After the procedure, you may feel just like after a massage; you may feel warmth in the treated areas and occasionally may feel that the blood circulates at a faster rate in your veins.

You must remember that AWT is not a slimming technique, as it may only reduce up to 1 inch of the treated areas. You could see results within 4 weeks, and the cellulite will not be so visible anymore.

For best results, an Acoustic Wave Therapy treatment of 3 weeks with 2 sessions per week is recommended.

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