Similar Treatments and Alternatives for Profractional Resurfacing

The laser treatment called profractional resurfacing is a specific kind of new cosmetic procedure for altering the appearance and vibrancy of the skin on facial areas. Doctors use profractional resurfacing to reduce signs of aging, deal with acne and other scarring, reverse sun damage, and deal with skin pigmentation issues. Profractional resurfacing is just one of several kinds of laser treatments adopted for similar purposes, and there are also other kinds of treatments aimed at the same conditions.

Here are some other common and popular treatments for the kinds of issues that lead patients to select profractional resurfacing from a qualified dermatologist.

Ablative Laser Therapy

As a kind of “semi-ablative” laser, profractional resurfacing is less aggressive than fully ablative laser treatments. The result is that, by contrast, profractional resurfacing is less likely to lead to long recovery times and possible risks than fully ablative laser treatments. The ablative laser goes by many different names, and doctors should explain to patients what is involved in each specific kind of laser treatment.

Non-Ablative Laser Treatments

On the other end of the laser therapy spectrum, non-ablative laser treatments do not include the same kinds of harsher methods used in ablative laser treatments. However, patients may need to return to the doctor’s office many times to get ongoing non-ablative laser treatments, where some patients may not see the desired results. As a middle-of-the-road option, profractional resurfacing pushes the envelope just a bit past where non-ablative laser treatment reaches without using the more aggressive methods of fully ablative lasers.

Dermal Fillers

When it comes to smoothing away wrinkles and fine lines on the face, dermal filler procedures can be an effective alternative to profractional resurfacing or other laser therapy. With dermal fillers, doctors inject various kinds of natural and synthetic substances below the skin. This encourages the growth of collagen, which fills out subdermal areas, making facial skin smoother and more even. The main difference between profractional resurfacing and dermal fillers is that dermal fillers must be injected into the skin, where the laser treatments use heat energy to promote collagen a different way. There will generally be less recovery involved in the profractional resurfacing treatments.

Chemical Peels

Another main use of profractional resurfacing is in doing away with damaged skin and promoting the growth of new vibrant skin. Chemical peels can generate some of the same results, but for some patients, harsh chemicals are less desirable than using heat energy in a profractional resurfacing laser treatment.

Facial Implants and Cosmetic Surgery

In some other cases, patients will choose to get actual silicone-based facial implants. These surgeries may also help smooth out facial areas while even changing the contours of the face. However, facial implant surgeries are much more invasive than the above procedures, and can develop more risks and complications while requiring longer recovery times and more follow-up care.

The above are just some of the most common alternatives to profractional resurfacing, where a wide variety of cosmetic procedures gives patients options in how they want to pursue enhancing the look of their skin. Talk to your doctor carefully before selecting a treatment, and ask about possible medical and drug interactions, as well as providing known allergies, to work toward a safer result.

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