Most Common Uses of Cool Lipo

Cool Lipo is an innovative cosmetic fat elimination procedure also known as laser assisted lipolysis. In addition to fat removal, the procedure will also tighten your skin. Cool lipo is recommended for the face, chin or smaller areas where fat is difficult to get rid of otherwise.

Face Fat Removal

Cool lipo is mainly used on the face, as it is a non-invasive procedure that will extract the fat without causing a lack of pigmentation in the area (as the procedure uses a 1320 nm wavelength laser).

The face area is extremely sensitive and traditional liposuction can leave scars that are difficult to hide. Traditional liposuction may also affect certain nerves under the skin, which can leave you paralyzed for life. The face area needs to be treated with cool lipo, which is a safe procedure; in addition, the surgery will also be like a gentle face lift, as the laser will tighten the skin.

Neck and Chin Fat Removal

It is difficult to get rid of a double chin through diet and exercise, so cool lipo is recommended. Also, cool lipo can remove neck fat.

Arm Fat Removal

If your flabby arms don’t allow you to wear armless dresses or shirts, you have two options: extensive exercising and weight lifting to sculpt your arms throughout a long period of time or a simple cool lipo procedure that lasts under an hour.

The cool lipo procedure will liquefy the fat first and then it will be extracted, leaving you with lean arms.

Other Areas

Cool lipo is also very effective in removing small amount of fats from different parts of the body.

Dieting and exercise may help you lose weight, but there are certain deposits of fat that won’t go away, especially on the stomach, knee or ankle area.

Skin Tightening

Even if cool lipo is mainly a fat removal procedure, it will also have a beneficial side effect: it will tighten your skin. The face and neck areas are particularly in need for tightening, as they are always exposed to sun or wind and this will cause them to wrinkle.

Traditional liposuction extracts your fat, leaving you with a lot of skin excess; cool lipo will also work on tightening your flabby skin.

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