Recovery after PureLipo

PureLipo is a cosmetic surgery that can eliminate unwanted pounds from the face, neck, stomach, buttocks, thighs and other areas. PureLipo is an FDA approved procedure. Compared to other more invasive slimming procedures, the recovery after PureLipo is much shorter and easier.

Recovering from PureLipo

The PureLipo procedure may cause bruising and swelling, which should go away within 1 week. However, some patients may experience swelling for more extended periods of time. There will also be fluid drainage, as the fat and the tumescent anesthetic may still leak from the incision site. For this reason, patients will have to wear a garment that will absorb the solution and fat cells and will also reduce the swelling.

Applying some ice packs on the surgery area may also reduce swelling and minimize bruising. Strenuous exercise is not recommended 1 week after the PureLipo procedure. Exercise should be performed with care during the first month after the surgery. However, patients can return to their daily routine within 2 to 3 days.

PureLipo is associated with minimal surgery risks, so infections are unlikely to happen. If the patient has a fever and the incision sites are swollen, red, painful and abscessed, a doctor must be consulted.

PureLipo Results

PureLipo will show immediate results, as soon as the fluid drainage is over and the swelling is gone. However, the optimal results will only be visible in 12 to 16 weeks, as the body will still dissolve fat and eliminate it even weeks after the procedure.

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