5 Reasons to Choose Lip Enhancement

If you're considering lip enhancement, thoroughly weighing your cosmetic options is an important part of your decision. Take a moment to consider the following five enhancement benefits to see which ones apply best to you:

1. Permanent and Non-Permanent Options

You have a number of lip enhancement options that are both permanent and non-permanent. Surgical implantation options are typically permanent (with a small chance for surgical removal if you're unhappy with the look). Injectable filler options can be both permanent and short-term, lasting from four to six months before you need another treatment session. You can always choose to start with the non-permanent filler option, and decide whether or not you like the look before you commit to a longer-lasting alternative.

2. Fuller Lips

The most common reason to choose lip enhancement is to get fuller lips. Some people are born with thin lips, while others lose some of the fat in the lips during the aging process. Enhancement can make use of implants or injectable fillers, such as collagen, to plump out your lips for a more youthful, attractive look.

3. Balanced Lips

Another reason to choose enhancement for the lips is if one of your lips is thinner than the other. You may have been born with a protruding upper or lower lip or one of your lips may have lost more fat than the other as you age. In either case, your cosmetic specialist will target the thinner lip and either add an implant or a filler only to that lip, or add implants or fillers to both lips with the aim of maintaining a balanced look.

4. Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles around the Mouth

Less commonly associated with lip enhancement is the benefit of fine-line and wrinkle reduction. The sides of the mouth are among the most common places where people form wrinkles, due to the high rate of movement of the skin when the mouth is open, closed or brought to a smile. When your cosmetic specialist places implants or fillers into your lips, the skin becomes tauter and tighter. Since this will firm the skin, the recesses in your skin around the corners of your mouth will become less noticeable.

5. Sexier Look

A more psychological reason to choose enhancement for your lips, but a valid reason nonetheless, is that you want to feel more sensual. Rounded, pouty lips are regarded near-universally as signs of youth, beauty and sensuality. Enhancing your lips can be a simple way to change your look dramatically with a simple tweak.

A consultation with your cosmetic specialist can help you determine whether or not lip enhancement is the best procedure for your cosmetic goals. Some other procedures, such as a lip lift or facial filler, can give you some of the same benefits and may be better suited for your cosmetic needs.

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