How Purtox is Performed

Purtox is a cosmetic product which is injected into the skin to get rid of wrinkles and facial lines. A special procedure of performing Purtox is followed.

Purtox is similar to Botox in the sense that it is prepared from botulinum type A neurotoxin, which is also the main ingredient in Botox. Purtox is a purified form of botox and results in better and more natural results. It usually takes around 30 minutes to perform the procedure. It is anticipating FDA approval in 2010. This can help problems like facial lines, sagging skin, loose folds of skin and wrinkles. Purtox is performed as described below:

How the Toxin Works

The toxin which is injected in the skin works effectively to combat facial wrinkles. Wrinkles are usually formed when the nerve cells of the muscles underlying the skin release a substance called acetylcholine. This results in the contraction of muscles which causes wrinkles on the face. However, the toxin of Purtox inhibits the release of acetylcholine and puts a stop to the contraction. Wrinkles are usually reduced up to 80% and results are sometimes seen within a week.

Process prior to the Injection

There is no requirement to administer anesthesia with Purtox. It is usually performed at the doctor's office as an outpatient procedure, so patients are advised to arrive on time, if not early. Remove any makeup prior to the treatment. The doctor may apply a numbing cream on the face to help alleviate any possible pain. It usually takes 20 minutes for the procedure to be complete, so plan the appointment accordingly. Patients usually walk away and get back to their normal routine soon after the process.

The Injection Process

The number of injection points are selected carefully. Discuss in advance the number of sites that you want the physician to correct in a particular session. It generally varies from patient to patient based on the extent of the problem and desired results. The amount of Purtox that is injected into the skin varies as well.

After the points of injection are decided, they are marked with a pencil. An antiseptic is then applied to avoid any possible infection. The required amount of Purtox is injected and the toxin will immediately interact with muscle nerve endings, resulting in removal of wrinkles.

Possible Variations in Technique

There can be more than one point of injection on one location, depending upon a doctor's methodology. So the treatment, the amount of injections and amount of Purtox will vary again from patient to patient. The doctor may also modify the existing technique slightly by adding another facial cosmetic treatment to Purtox. However more or less, the procedure only consists of injecting the toxin.

Purtox may result in common side effects like headache, flu, redness or bruising. However, if the procedure is performed with the utmost care by a skilled physician, the patient will experience minimal or no side effects.

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