Potential Side Effects of Juvederm

JUVEDERM ® injectable gel is used to plump and fill out those small folds and wrinkles most commonly around your mouth and nose. Those smile lines that seem to appear overnight will magically disappear after a short visit to your doctor's office. JUVEDERM ® is mostly composed of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in your skin. The effects of this procedure will usually last six months to a year. As with all cosmetic procedures, there are some side effects that may occur after this treatment.

There are several side effects associated with JUVEDERM ® . The majority of the side effects are minor and only last for a few days.

Extreme Allergic Reactions

Extreme allergic reactions to this product have been reported in individuals who have multiple severe allergies or have had an anaphylaxis reaction. You may be at a higher risk of having an extreme reaction to this dermal filler if you have experienced any severe allergic responses in the past. If you are allergic to Gram-positive bacterial proteins, you should also stay away from this injectable. This type of reaction can be life threatening and should be discussed in length with your doctor. ?

Excessive Bleeding

If you are taking any type of medication that may cause excessive bleeding, please let your doctor know before your procedure. Medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen may cause increased bruising or bleeding at the site of your injection.

Increased Risk of Infection

There is always a risk of infection at any injection site. There is an increased risk if you are on any type of therapy that weakens your immune system. If your immune system is compromised due to any medical condition or medical treatment, you will need to discuss this with your doctor.


Granulomas can develop when your immune system attacks a foreign object that has been introduced to your body, such as the JUVEDERM ® injectable gel. This reaction will result in a small ball of cells that will give your skin a lumpy appearance. This condition is very difficult to treat once it has developed.

Common Injection Site Reactions

The most common types of side effects with JUVEDERM ® are at the injection site. In a clinical study conducted in the US with 146 subjects, there were several side effects reported at the site of the injection. Redness and pain or tenderness was reported in over 90% of patients. Over 80% of patients reported firmness and swelling. All of these reactions usually last for less that 7 days and do not require a visit to the doctor.

Less Common Injection Site Reactions

Some of the less common injection site reactions include bumps at the injection site, bruising, itching and skin discoloration. These reactions rarely require doctor invention.

Avoiding Common Side Effects

Limiting your activities during the first 24 hours after your procedure may reduce some of the most common side effects. Avoiding the sun and strenuous activities may help you avoid redness, swelling and itching at the injection site.


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